ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
701 lines
#ifndef _hdr_h
#define _hdr_h
#define SEQ_NODE_INC 50
#define SEQ_SYMBOL_INC 50
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "arith.h"
typedef struct Declaredmap_s *Declaredmap;
#ifdef AMIABLE
#include "symbol.h"
typedef struct Span_s *Span; /* pointer to spans information */
typedef struct Span_s {
short line;
short col;
} Span_s;
typedef struct Node_s *Node; /* Node is pointer to Node_s */
#define NODE_SIZE sizeof(Node_s)
typedef struct Node_s
#ifndef IBM_PC
struct {
unsigned n_kind:8;
unsigned n_unit:8;
unsigned n_side:1;
unsigned n_overloaded:1;
} n_flags;
short n_seq;
struct {
unsigned n_kind:8;
unsigned n_unit:8;
} n_flag1;
struct {
unsigned n_side:1;
unsigned n_seq:14;
unsigned n_overloaded:1;
} n_flag2;
union {
Node n_ast1;
Span_s n_span;
} nu1;
union {
Node n_ast2;
Tuple n_list;
char *n_val;
int n_id;
} nu2;
union {
Node n_ast3;
Set n_names;
Symbol n_unq;
} nu3;
union {
Node n_ast4;
Set n_ptypes;
Symbol n_type;
} nu4;
#ifdef AMIABLE
Operand_s n_operand;
} Node_s;
struct unit {
char *name;
int isMain;
char *libUnit;
struct {
char *fname;
char *obsolete;
char *currCodeSeg;
char *localRefMap;
char *compDate;
} libInfo;
struct {
char *preComp;
char *pragmaElab;
char *compDate;
char *symbols;
int numberSymbols;
char *unitDecl;
} aisInfo;
struct {
char *tableAllocated;
int nodeCount;
int rootSeq;
} treInfo;
#define MAX_UNITS 100
#ifdef IBM_PC
#define N_KIND(p) ((p)->n_flag1.n_kind)
#define N_UNIT(p) ((p)->n_flag1.n_unit)
#define N_OVERLOADED(p) ((p)->n_flag2.n_overloaded)
#define N_SIDE(p) ((p)->n_flag2.n_side)
#define N_SEQ(p) ((p)->n_flag2.n_seq)
#define N_KIND(p) ((p)->n_flags.n_kind)
#define N_UNIT(p) ((p)->n_flags.n_unit)
#define N_OVERLOADED(p) ((p)->n_flags.n_overloaded)
#define N_SIDE(p) ((p)->n_flags.n_side)
#define N_SEQ(p) ((p)->n_seq)
#define N_SPAN(p) (&(p)->nu1.n_span)
#define N_SPAN0(p) ((p)->nu1.n_span.line)
#define N_SPAN1(p) ((p)->nu1.n_span.col)
#define N_AST1(p) ((p)->nu1.n_ast1)
#define N_VAL(p) ((p)->nu2.n_val)
#define N_LIST(p) ((p)->nu2.n_list)
#define N_AST2(p) ((p)->nu2.n_ast2)
#define N_AST3(p) ((p)->nu3.n_ast3)
#define N_UNQ(p) ((p)->nu3.n_unq)
#define N_ID(p) ((p)->nu2.n_id)
#define N_NAMES(p) ((p)->nu3.n_names)
#define N_AST4(p) ((p)->nu4.n_ast4)
#define N_TYPE(p) ((p)->nu4.n_type)
#define N_PTYPES(p) ((p)->nu4.n_ptypes)
#ifdef AMIABLE
#define N_OPERAND(p) ((p)->n_operand)
#define N_D_AST1 1
#define N_D_AST2 2
#define N_D_AST3 4
#define N_D_AST4 8
#define N_D_LIST 16
#define N_D_VAL 32
#define N_D_UNQ 64
#define N_D_TYPE 256
#define N_AST1_DEFINED(p) (N_DEFINED[p]&N_D_AST1)
#define N_AST2_DEFINED(p) (N_DEFINED[p]&N_D_AST2)
#define N_AST3_DEFINED(p) (N_DEFINED[p]&N_D_AST3)
#define N_AST4_DEFINED(p) (N_DEFINED[p]&N_D_AST4)
#define as_pragma 0
#define as_arg 1
#define as_obj_decl 2
#define as_const_decl 3
#define as_num_decl 4
#define as_type_decl 5
#define as_subtype_decl 6
#define as_subtype_indic 7
#define as_derived_type 8
#define as_range 9
#define as_range_attribute 10
#define as_constraint 11
#define as_enum 12
#define as_int_type 13
#define as_float_type 14
#define as_fixed_type 15
#define as_digits 16
#define as_delta 17
#define as_array_type 18
#define as_box 19
#define as_subtype 20
#define as_record 21
#define as_component_list 22
#define as_field 23
#define as_discr_spec 24
#define as_variant_decl 25
#define as_variant_choices 26
#define as_string 27
#define as_simple_choice 28
#define as_range_choice 29
#define as_choice_unresolved 30
#define as_others_choice 31
#define as_access_type 32
#define as_incomplete_decl 33
#define as_declarations 34
#define as_labels 35
#define as_character_literal 36
#define as_simple_name 37
#define as_call_unresolved 38
#define as_selector 39
#define as_all 40
#define as_attribute 41
#define as_aggregate 42
#define as_parenthesis 43
#define as_choice_list 44
#define as_op 45
#define as_in 46
#define as_notin 47
#define as_un_op 48
#define as_int_literal 49
#define as_real_literal 50
#define as_string_literal 51
#define as_null 52
#define as_name 53
#define as_qualify 54
#define as_new_init 55
#define as_new 56
#define as_statements 57
#define as_statement 58
#define as_null_s 59
#define as_assignment 60
#define as_if 61
#define as_cond_statements 62
#define as_condition 63
#define as_case 64
#define as_case_statements 65
#define as_loop 66
#define as_while 67
#define as_for 68
#define as_forrev 69
#define as_block 70
#define as_exit 71
#define as_return 72
#define as_goto 73
#define as_subprogram_decl 74
#define as_procedure 75
#define as_function 76
#define as_operator 77
#define as_formal 78
#define as_mode 79
#define as_subprogram 80
#define as_call 81
#define as_package_spec 82
#define as_package_body 83
#define as_private_decl 84
#define as_use 85
#define as_rename_obj 86
#define as_rename_ex 87
#define as_rename_pack 88
#define as_rename_sub 89
#define as_task_spec 90
#define as_task_type_spec 91
#define as_task 92
#define as_entry 93
#define as_entry_family 94
#define as_accept 95
#define as_delay 96
#define as_selective_wait 97
#define as_guard 98
#define as_accept_alt 99
#define as_delay_alt 100
#define as_terminate_alt 101
#define as_conditional_entry_call 102
#define as_timed_entry_call 103
#define as_abort 104
#define as_unit 105
#define as_with_use_list 106
#define as_with 107
#define as_subprogram_stub 108
#define as_package_stub 109
#define as_task_stub 110
#define as_separate 111
#define as_exception 112
#define as_except_decl 113
#define as_handler 114
#define as_others 115
#define as_raise 116
#define as_generic_function 117
#define as_generic_procedure 118
#define as_generic_package 119
#define as_generic_formals 120
#define as_generic_obj 121
#define as_generic_type 122
#define as_gen_priv_type 123
#define as_generic_subp 124
#define as_generic 125
#define as_package_instance 126
#define as_function_instance 127
#define as_procedure_instance 128
#define as_instance 129
#define as_length_clause 130
#define as_enum_rep_clause 131
#define as_rec_rep_clause 132
#define as_compon_clause 133
#define as_address_clause 134
#define as_any_op 135
#define as_opt 136
#define as_list 137
#define as_range_expression 138
#define as_arg_assoc_list 139
#define as_private 140
#define as_limited_private 141
#define as_code 142
#define as_line_no 143
#define as_index 144
#define as_slice 145
#define as_number 146
#define as_convert 147
#define as_entry_name 148
#define as_array_aggregate 149
#define as_record_aggregate 150
#define as_ecall 151
#define as_call_or_index 152
#define as_ivalue 153
#define as_qual_range 154
#define as_qual_index 155
#define as_qual_discr 156
#define as_qual_arange 157
#define as_qual_alength 158
#define as_qual_adiscr 159
#define as_qual_aindex 160
#define as_check_bounds 161
#define as_discr_ref 162
#define as_row 163
#define as_current_task 164
#define as_check_discr 165
#define as_end 166
#define as_terminate 167
#define as_exception_accept 168
#define as_test_exception 169
#define as_create_task 170
#define as_predef 171
#define as_deleted 172
#define as_insert 173
#define as_arg_convert 174
#define as_end_activation 175
#define as_activate_spec 176
#define as_delayed_type 177
#define as_qual_sub 178
#define as_static_comp 179
#define as_array_ivalue 180
#define as_record_ivalue 181
#define as_expanded 182
#define as_choices 183
#define as_init_call 184
#define as_type_and_value 185
#define as_discard 186
#define as_unread 187
#define as_string_ivalue 188
#define as_instance_tuple 189
#define as_entry_family_name 190
#define as_astend 191
#define as_astnull 192
#define as_aggregate_list 193
#define as_interfaced 194
#define as_record_choice 195
#define as_subprogram_decl_tr 196
#define as_subprogram_tr 197
#define as_subprogram_stub_tr 198
#define as_rename_sub_tr 199
#define na_op 1
#define na_un_op 2
#define na_attribute 3
#define na_obj 4
#define na_constant 5
#define na_type 6
#define na_subtype 7
#define na_array 8
#define na_record 9
#define na_enum 10
#define na_literal 11
#define na_access 12
#define na_aggregate 13
#define na_block 14
#define na_procedure_spec 15
#define na_function_spec 16
#define na_procedure 17
#define na_function 18
#define na_in 19
#define na_inout 20
#define na_out 21
#define na_package_spec 22
#define na_package 23
#define na_task_type 24
#define na_task_type_spec 25
#define na_task_obj 26
#define na_task_obj_spec 27
#define na_entry 28
#define na_entry_family 29
#define na_entry_former 30
#define na_generic_procedure_spec 31
#define na_generic_function_spec 32
#define na_generic_package_spec 33
#define na_generic_procedure 34
#define na_generic_function 35
#define na_generic_package 36
#define na_exception 37
#define na_private_part 38
#define na_void 39
#define na_null 40
#define na_discriminant 41
#define na_field 42
#define na_label 43
#define na_generic_part 44
#define na_subprog 45
#define na_body 46
#define na_task 47
#define na_task_body 48
#define BLOCK_BLOCK 0
#define BLOCK_LOOP 1
typedef struct Private_declarations_s
Tuple private_declarations_tuple;
} Private_declarations_s;
typedef Private_declarations_s *Private_declarations;
typedef struct Forprivate_decls {
Tuple forprivate_tup;
int forprivate_i;
int forprivate_n;
} Forprivate_decls;
#define FORPRIVATE_DECLS(s1,s2,pd,fp) \
fp.forprivate_tup = (Tuple) (pd)->private_declarations_tuple; \
fp.forprivate_n = tup_size(fp.forprivate_tup) ; \
for (fp.forprivate_i=1; fp.forprivate_i<=fp.forprivate_n;) { \
s1 = (Symbol) fp.forprivate_tup[fp.forprivate_i++]; \
s2 = (Symbol) fp.forprivate_tup[fp.forprivate_i++];
#define TA_ISPRIVATE 1
#define TA_LIMITED 4
#define TA_PRIVATE 16
#define TA_OUT 32
#define TA_GENERIC 64
#define TA_CONSTRAIN 128
#define numeric_constraint_kind(p) p[1]
#define numeric_constraint_low(p) p[2]
#define numeric_constraint_high(p) p[3]
#define numeric_constraint_digits(p) p[4]
#define numeric_constraint_delta(p) p[4]
#define numeric_constraint_small(p) p[5]
#define numeric_constraint_discr(p) p[2]
typedef struct Declaredmap_s
short dmap_curlen; /* current number of elements */
short dmap_maxlen; /* maximum number of elements */
struct Dment *dmap_table; /* pointer to entry list */
} Declaredmap_s;
typedef struct Dment
struct {
#ifdef IBM_PC
unsigned dment_idnum ; /* source identifier number */
unsigned dment_visible ; /* non-zero if visible */
unsigned dment_idnum : 15; /* source identifier number */
unsigned dment_visible : 1; /* non-zero if visible */
} dment_i;
Symbol dment_symbol; /* symbol table pointer */
} Dment;
typedef struct Fordeclared {
Declaredmap fordeclared_map;
unsigned short fordeclared_i;
unsigned short fordeclared_n;
struct Dment *fordeclared_dment;
} Fordeclared;
extern char *dstrings;
#define FORDECLARED(str,sym,dmap,iv) \
iv.fordeclared_map = dmap; \
iv.fordeclared_n = iv.fordeclared_map->dmap_curlen;\
iv.fordeclared_dment = iv.fordeclared_map->dmap_table; \
for (iv.fordeclared_i=0; iv.fordeclared_i<iv.fordeclared_n; \
(iv.fordeclared_i++,iv.fordeclared_dment++)) { \
str = dstrings + iv.fordeclared_dment->dment_i.dment_idnum;\
sym = iv.fordeclared_dment->dment_symbol;\
#define ENDFORDECLARED(iv) }
#define IS_VISIBLE(iv) iv.fordeclared_dment->dment_i.dment_visible
IS_VISIBLE(iv) = n;
#define FORVISIBLE(str,sym,dmap,iv) \
FORDECLARED(str,sym,dmap,iv) \
if (IS_VISIBLE(iv)==0) continue;
#define ENDFORVISIBLE(iv) }
typedef struct Const_s *Const;
typedef struct Const_s {
int const_kind;
union {
int const_int;
int *const_uint;
double const_real;
char *const_str;
Rational const_rat;
long const_fixed;
} const_value;
} Const_s;
#ifdef IVALUE
typedef struct Ivalue_s *Ivalue;
typedef struct Ivalue_s {
int ivalue_kind;
union {
int ivalue_int;
int *ivalue_uint;
double ivalue_real;
char *ivalue_str;
Rational ivalue_rat;
long ivalue_fixed;
} ivalue_value;
} Ivalue_s;
#define CONST_OM 0
#define CONST_INT 1
#define CONST_REAL 2
#define CONST_STR 3
#define CONST_RAT 4
#define CONST_UINT 6
#define CONST_FIXED 7
#define is_const_om(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_OM)
#define is_const_int(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_INT)
#define is_const_real(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_REAL)
#define is_const_str(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_STR)
#define is_const_rat(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_RAT)
#define is_const_constraint_error(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)
#define is_const_uint(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_UINT)
#define is_const_fixed(c) ((c)->const_kind == CONST_FIXED)
#ifdef IVALUE
#define IVALUE_OM 0
#define IVALUE_INT 1
#define IVALUE_REAL 2
#define IVALUE_STR 3
#define IVALUE_RAT 4
#define IVALUE_UINT 6
#define IVALUE_FIXED 7
#define INTV(op) (op)->const_value.const_int
#define UINTV(op) (op)->const_value.const_uint
#define REALV(op) (op)->const_value.const_real
#define RATV(op) (op)->const_value.const_rat
#define FIXEDV(op) (op)->const_value.const_fixed
typedef struct Symbolmap_s
Tuple symbolmap_tuple;
} Symbolmap_s;
typedef Symbolmap_s *Symbolmap;
typedef struct Forsymbol {
Tuple forsymbolmap_tuple;
int forsymbolmap_i;
int forsymbolmap_n;
} Forsymbol;
#define FORSYMBOL(s1,s2,pd,fp) \
fp.forsymbolmap_tuple = (Tuple) (pd)->symbolmap_tuple; \
fp.forsymbolmap_n = tup_size(fp.forsymbolmap_tuple) ; \
for (fp.forsymbolmap_i=1; fp.forsymbolmap_i<=fp.forsymbolmap_n;) { \
s1 = (Symbol) fp.forsymbolmap_tuple[fp.forsymbolmap_i++]; \
s2 = (Symbol) fp.forsymbolmap_tuple[fp.forsymbolmap_i++];
#define ENDFORSYMBOL(fp) }
typedef struct Nodemap_s
Tuple nodemap_tuple;
} Nodemap_s;
typedef Nodemap_s *Nodemap;
#define find ???
#define is_empty(node) ((int)node[0] == 0)
#define attribute_name(node) N_VAL(N_AST1(node))
#define attribute_kind(node) N_VAL(N_AST1((node)))
#define root_type(type_mark) ((type_mark)->alias)
#define index_types(array_type) ((Tuple) ((array_type)->signature)[1])
#define component_type(array_type) ((Symbol) ((array_type)->signature)[2])
#define index_type(array_type) ((Tuple) (index_types(array_type))[1])
#define literal_map(enumeration) ((enumeration)->overloads)
#define record_declarations(record) ((record)->signature)
#ifdef TBSN
-- all_components should be dead ds 14 aug
#define all_components(record) (((record)->signature)[1])
#define discriminant_list(record) ((Tuple) ((record)->signature)[3])
#define invariant_part(record) ((Tuple) ((record)->signature)[1])
#define variant_part(record) ((Tuple) ((record)->signature)[2])
#define declared_components(record) ((Tuple) ((record)->signature)[4])
#define discr_decl_tree(record) ((Tuple) ((record)->signature)[5])
#define has_discriminants(record) \
(discriminant_list(root_type(record)) != (Tuple) 0 && \
tup_size(discriminant_list(root_type(record))) != 0)
#define designated_type(access_type) \
(((NATURE(access_type)==na_subtype) \
? (Symbol)((access_type)->signature)[2] \
: (Symbol)((access_type)->signature) ))
#define label_status(lab) ((lab)->signature)
#define default_expr(nam) ((nam)->signature)
#define formal_decl_tree(proc_name) ((proc_name)->init_proc)
#define IS_COMP_UNIT (tup_size(scope_st)==0)
#define is_literal(name) (NATURE((name)) == na_literal)
#define is_constant(name) ((name)!=(Symbol) 0 && NATURE((name))== na_constant)
#define is_anonymous(typ) (*(ORIG_NAME(typ)) == '&')
#define is_array(typ) (NATURE(base_type(typ)) == na_array)
#define is_formal(id) (NATURE(id)==na_in || NATURE(id)==na_out \
|| NATURE(id)==na_inout)
#define misc_type_attributes(type_mark) TYPE_ATTR(type_mark)
#define private_dependents(type_mark) OVERLOADS(type_mark)
#define private_decls(package) OVERLOADS(package)
#ifdef TBSN
#define use_declarations(package) \
#define TO_XREF(name)
#define TO_ERRFILE(text) to_errfile(text)
#define errmsg_l(msg1,msg2,lrm,node) \
#define errmsg_l_id(msg1,msg2,name,lrm,node) \
#define errmsg_l_str(msg1,msg2,str,lrm,node) \
extern int N_DEFINED[];
#define POWER_OF_2_EXACT 0
#ifdef GEN
#include "ghdr.h"
#define TAG_RECORD 0
#define TAG_TASK 1
#define TAG_ACCESS 2
#define TAG_ARRAY 3
#define TAG_ENUM 4
#define TAG_FIXED 5
#define TAG_INT 6
#define TAG_FLOAT 7